John Pimlott's Adventure and X -RAY
24hrs of Adrenalin laguna Seca 2005
Cannell Plunge ride pics 6-11 to 6-13-04
Downieville Gathering 7-9 to 7-11-04
Shuteye Peak pics 5-24-04
Glory Hole-New Melones Pics 12-19-03
Red Hills INFO and PICS
New Melones Res. MAP
New Melones PICS 2-15-03
Roadies Corner
Bass Lake 007 pics
Fort Ord Race pics
11th Iron Angels Race 3-2-03
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John Pimlott's Adventure and X -RAY
Dave's mishap with Xray!
Auburn Ravine ride 2-8-03
Buck Ridge Race at Lake Hensley pictures
Directions to Lake Hensley
Thanksgiving day group ride with pics
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Skeggs PICS and INFO

                 "WE ALL FALL DOWN"

What started out to be a beautiful day ended for John. What a pain in the ass and an ordeal for him. We were up at the Auburn Ravine trail all was cool and we made it passed the first section without a hitch. We then proceeded to go to the next section across the road that starts out with a launcher type of jump. Those of you whom have been there know which one it is. So as Mr. Knivel made his way over the jump he goes in the air just fine it's that instead of using his tires to catch the landing he used his face! So kids don't try this at home!    Ouch!

Saturday 22nd 2003
Poor John P. in inner tube sling.

he was in the #3 pain scale

Here we have John in the hospital E.R. we waited forever in this place. Get hurt on a weekday! 

Despite all he's got a "thumbs up" for everyone

He broke his left wrist and his right thumb

Here the E.R. Doctor adds some stiches to his chin

Get well soon John next time go faster!